Happy holidays to all you Chocolate Chips out there!
Here's our newest music video, "Robot For Xmas." An ode to robots, the old days of 8 bit, and the jolly season:
Free song download and lyrics:
Mista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips
Here are some SWEET!! write ups on the video from Wired.com, Out With The Kids, Zooglobble, Singing in the Bathtub, Rumphy, Kid Independent, and Channel APA.
Out With the Kids says, "There’s a lot of new kid’s holiday music to cover, and I will at some point soon, but nothing may be as A-M-A-Z-I-N-G as Mista Cookie Jar’s newly dropped “Robot for Xmas”. Watch it, watch it again, and then maybe for a 3rd time, then download it for freeeeee.....!"
Zooglobbble says "Watch this video now, before it gets picked up by the geeky blogs and gets, like, 50,000 page views a day....I doubt you're gonna find another Christmas kids music video this year as hyper -- and, frankly, as awesome -- as this new video from Mista Cookie Jar. "
Singing in the Bathtub says, "Little, clever touches make this one a soon-to-be-Christmas classic."
Wired.com says, "Certainly another great example of a family project for this end of year, which proves once more how awesome it is to have a geek dad!"